Since our inception, Gridresearch has been completely focused on building dynamic and ad-hoc solutions for our clients.
The approach used in our market intelligence reports combines both global understanding and local expertise.
Our innate curiosity, extreme care for detail and thorough analysis give us the capacity and will to run the extra mile to get the necessary data to facilitate market entry for our clients’ products.
Our accumulated acumen next to our regular contact with the market pulse places us in a privileged position to descipher the keys to access a new market or to explore changes in an already partially known one. The two-way flow of communication we build with the different players allows us to present an accurate and reliable image of this reality.
The data we gather is incorporated to our internal network to allow our analysts’ to describe the different scenarios and recommend the optimal strategy to fulfil the desired objectives.

Josep Buchaca
Based near Barcelona, Spain. Founded Gridresearch in 1999. 24 years background in market intelligence, market access and pricing & reimbursement consultancy. Extensive network of contacts among stakeholders and prescribers