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The navigation on this website implies the acceptation of all measures included in this legal Notice, which in the future may have to be adjusted to new regulations and laws.

The contents in this website in the form of documents, texts, webpage design, graphs, logotypes and icons have been elaborated by Gridresearch SL and images have been bought or there is a consent given by a third party to reproduce them. It is then strictly forbidden to reproduce, communicate, distribute, modify, transfer or any other proceeding that has not been explicitly authorised by the web owner (Gridresearch SL).

Any website user is obliged to make a responsible use, in good faith, according to Law and to everything stipulated in this Legal Notice. The website user will be liable before Gridresearch SL or third parties for any type of damages caused by the breach of the mentioned obligations.

Identifying data for the web owner

Gridresearch SL as the web owner and according to article 10 in ‘Ley 34/2002 de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (LSSI-CE)’ informs about its identifying data:

Identity: Gridresearch SL, B65678047
Postal address: C/Aurons, 26 08348 Cabrils, Barcelona, España
Telephone: 937509915
Registered in the Barcelona Mercantile Registry in volume 42858, sheet 135, page number 416.099, 1st entry

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